Install golang-migrate Inside a Docker Container

To run database migrations using golang-migrate in a pipeline for a Go application, we need the binary migrate command available in the container.

Installing the database migration utility golang-migrate for Go inside a Linux container can be accomplished with the following.
Add this to the Dockerfile (note: the full path):

RUN go install -tags 'postgres'
RUN ln -s /go/bin/linux_amd64/migrate /usr/local/bin/migrate

After running docker build and run, SSH into the container to see if everything is correct.
Use docker ps to get the container ID. The following commands accomplish this:

$ docker build -t my-tag .

$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 my-tag

$ docker ps
8e402138e4b2 my-tag ...

$ docker exec -it 8e402138e4b2 /bin/sh

Now we should have a shell inside the container.
Check if the migrate command installed correctly:

/# which migrate

This should show a path to the command, e.g.:


Check the version of the command:

/# migrate -version

This should show, e.g.:


The container should now be able to run Go database migrations, preferably by running a startup script when the container starts.


Perform Speech Recognition in the Terminal with Whisper

OpenAI Whisper is a state-of-the-art speech recognition model that we can run from the command line.

This post assumes macOS with Python >= 3.7 installed.

First we need to install FFmpeg for audio processing.

$ brew install ffmpeg

Install Whisper:

$ pip install openai-whisper

This will also install a binary command: whisper

Now, record a piece of audio using QuickTime or similar.

Save the file to file.m4a, for example.

Then, to run the speech recognition:

$ whisper file.m4a --model small

The output will look something like this:

Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. 
Use `--language` to specify the language
Detected language: English
[00:00.000 --> 00:01.420] Hello there.


We can also use the specific repo URI if brew does not work on a system:

$ pip install git+

We can use the medium or large models if the small model is not sufficiently accurate:

$ whisper file.m4a --model medium
$ whisper file.m4a --model large


Run TypeScript File from the Command Line

To run a script written in TypeScript from the terminal, outside of the browser, we cannot use the regular Node.js binary.
We need to install the ts-node command as below:

$ npm install -g ts-node

If TypeScript itself is not installed, install it with:

$ npm install -g typescript

Then, we can run the TypeScript file using:

$ ts-node file.ts