Get All Values in a Python Dictionary

Sometimes we need to get a list of all of the values only (without keys) from a Python dictionary.

Suppose we have a dictionary numbers defined as follows:

numbers = dict()

numbers["a"] = 1
numbers["b"] = 2
numbers["c"] = 3
numbers["d"] = 4

To return a list of just the values at all of the keys from this data structure, we can use the values method.
Note that the output needs to be converted to a regular list.

result = list(numbers.values())

The result is:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

Another option is to use a list comprehension. This is especially useful if we want to do some further computations on all of the values immediately.

result = [numbers[key] for key in numbers.keys()]

The result is:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

The built-in function keys() returns all keys in the dictionary.
Then, numbers[key] is called for each key to get the value at that key.
Finally, the list comprehension results in a list of all values.


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