It is possible to create recursive anonymous functions in JavaScript.
Usually we need a name for a function to recursively refer to itself, but since anonymous functions have no name, JavaScript provides arguments.callee as a way to refer to the function that called the function we are currently executing!
First, here is a regular factorial function using its name to refer to itself:
var fact = function(n) { if (n === 0) { return 1; } else { return n * (fact(n - 1)); } }
We can replace that name reference with arguments.callee:
var fact = function(n) { if (n === 0) { return 1; } else { return n * (arguments.callee(n - 1)); } }
In this way, we can use recursive functions without ever giving them a name!
In the following code we print out the factorial of 5 computed with an anonymous function, never giving it a name:
console.log( (function(n) { if (n === 0) { return 1; } else { return n * (arguments.callee(n - 1)); } })(5) );
See these important notes about this feature of JavaScript: